I am impressed by MEElectonics\' offering, especially on their build quality and the very competitive pricing. That is perhaps their greatest strength: providing great value products to the customer. Coupled with their quick and responsive customer service, I think .....MEElec.... has itself a formula for success. For IEM users like us, I think it is always a delight to have a company willing to go the extra miles on meeting the demand. Hopefully we will be able to see ever better IEM from them in the future.
ตรงประโยค ในบรรทัดที่ 4 I think .....MEElec.... has itself a formula for success. เฮียเลยเอาชื่อตรงนี้มาตั้งไง MEElec = หมีเล็ก
I am impressed by MEElectonics\' offering, especially on their build quality and the very competitive pricing. That is perhaps their greatest strength: providing great value products to the customer. Coupled with their quick and responsive customer service, I think .....MEElec.... has itself a formula for success. For IEM users like us, I think it is always a delight to have a company willing to go the extra miles on meeting the demand. Hopefully we will be able to see ever better IEM from them in the future.
ตรงประโยค ในบรรทัดที่ 4 I think .....MEElec.... has itself a formula for success. เฮียเลยเอาชื่อตรงนี้มาตั้งไง MEElec = หมีเล็ก