Once upon a time, there was a king called “SOLOMON” in Hibru Kingdom. He issued a strange order that all his advisers in the palace make a ring with phrases or words in it. The ring should change his mood whenever he saw it. For example, if he was sad and saw the ring, his sad mood would be gone. Similarly, if he was happy and saw the ring, his happy mood would be gone.
Everyone in the palace tried hard to find out the phrases or words for the ring that could be so powerful as to change the mood of the king when he saw it.
Finally, the head of his advisers got an idea. Why must he be worried? Since nothing in life is absolutely certain, so there is no good reason to be too sad or happy about whatever is happening.
When King SOLOMON saw the ring that the head of his advisers had made, he was very delighted. The words on the ring read “WHATEVER IS HAPPENING WILL GO AWAY FINALLY” (WHATEVER IS HAPPENING, IT MOVES ALONG AND WILL NOT STAY THERE FOREVER.)